Welcome! I offer a variety of professional bodywork services to Charlottesville, Buckingham and nearby areas of Central Virginia, including:

Massage Therapy Swedish Massage Reflexology
Energy Balancing Deep Tissue Polarity Therapy
Wellness Trigger Point Therapy Chelation
Yoga Therapy Myofascial Release Tuning Forks
Cranio Sacral Therapy Muscle Energy Technique Moist Heat Therapy
Body Centered Trauma Release INIT Facial Rejuvenation

I have an office in Charlottesville, Virginia. My home office is in the Yogaville Community, near Satchidananda Ashram, on the James River, in the beautiful piedmont of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Buckingham County, an hour south of Charlottesville; half an hour from Buckingham Court House, Scottsville and Lovingston.

Please go to  Heidi Dhivya Berthoud to see more about what I have to offer.

Thank you for your interest.

I look forward to serving you.