Aligning Within & Without
The Joint Freeing Series (JFS), Part 1 of 3, The Basics & Alignment with Heidi Dhivya Berthoud
The Joint Freeing Series is a simple and deceptively simple program that can be used as a warm up for some, a work out for others. We gently and rythymically move all of the joints of the body, calming, balancing, energizing, accompanied by the breath. We explore the range of motion, sensation levels, compare the 2 sides, notice the increased prana, circulation to the areas. There is much to observe, to develop the witness, the dharana (focused attention).
Aligning Within & Without
The JFS, Part 2 of 3, with a focus on the Low Back, Pelvis, Neck & Shoulders
May i suggest you first view Part 1 of 3 of this 3-part series.
Here we take ample time to focus on & explore these critical areas, essential to a healthy strong posture and alignment.
This series is immediately therapeutic and diagnostic of our general wellbeing via alignment.
Aligning Within & Without
The JFS, Part 3 of 3, Bountiful Sun Salutations
I recomend doing Parts 1 & 2 before Part 3, as there is a progression of understanding.
The building blocks of Parts 1 & 2 are integrated into various sun salutations, embellishing the vinyasa – the flowing nature of the sun salutations.
A few other poses are explored, also applying the JFS lense, or sensibility to the pose
JFS class (not part of a series)
Drop into this class for a therapeutic experience. For a deeper dive into the details, explore the 3 Part Series above this post.